5th Ryukyu Kobudo Seminar - Kraków, Poland 2024 - Thomas Podzelny

Date and location of the seminar
7-8 september 2024
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 132, ul. Benedyktyńska 4, Kraków
On September 7-8, the 5th edition of the Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan seminar will take place in Krakow with Sensei Thomas Podzelny (6th Dan), who will be traveling to Poland specifically for this event. Over the course of two days, there will be more than 10 hours of training using Bo, Sai, Tekko, and Nunchaku. As every year, the event is open to all schools and styles of karate/kobudo. Both beginners and advanced practitioners can participate. For beginners, some training sessions will be conducted in parallel with additional instructors to ensure everyone can keep up with the material and fully benefit from the seminar. The training sessions will be conducted in English and translated into Polish if necessary. During the lunch break, we will go together to Tarasy Tynieckie for a meal (self-paid). On Saturday evening, there will be a joint dinner with the sensei at Trattorii Centrum Tyniecka.
There is a possibility of free accommodation (with your own mattress and sleeping bag) at Dojo Tyniec (ul. Skołczanka 5) - approximately 1 km from the seminar venue. There is a bathroom with a shower available at the Dojo. The number of sleeping places at the Dojo is limited!
uring the seminar, we will be practicing with Bo, Sai, Tekko, and Nunchaku. Participants are kindly requested, if possible, to bring their own Bo and Sai. Individuals who do not have their own weapons will be able to use the available pool of weapons, but please note that this is a limited quantity, so we advise making reservations as soon as possible. As for Tekko and Nunchaku, we will be using legal substitutes of which we have plenty, so there is no need to bring your own. Regarding attire, we will be training in white karate gi and barefoot (as in karate practice).
The schedule is tentative and subject to change. Some training sessions may be divided based on skill level, and participants may have the option to choose their group.
Saturday (7th september) | Sunday (8th september) |
10.00 - 13.00 Session I (Bo) Bo junbi undo, Bo Kihon, Bo Kihon Kata 1 & 2 |
10.00 - 13.00 Session III (Bo / Sai) Sai junbi undo, Chikinshitahaku no Sai Shushi no Kon Sho, Sakugawa no Kon Sho |
13.00 - 15.00 Lunch break |
13.00 - 15.00 Lunch break |
15.00 - 17.00 Session II (Sai) Sai Kihon, Sai Kihon Kata 1 & 2 |
14.30 - 16.30 Session IV (Tekko, Nunchaku) Tekko Kihon, Maezato no Tekko Nunchaku Kihon, Maezato no Nunchaku |
19.00 - 22.00 Party at Centrum Tyniecka |
16.30 Black belt class Tonfa / Tinbe / Kama |
Cost of participation
Seminar fee: 250zł (without meals)
Please transfer the seminar fee to the following account:
PL 93 1140 2004 0000 3902 3545 4884 (mBank)
or via BLIK to phone number: 508 364 137
or Revolut: @domini7mt (Euro / PLN)
Dominik Kućma
Organization and Instructors Information
Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan
Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan is currently one of the largest and most respected Kobudo organizations in Okinawa and the world. Shinken Taira (1897-1970) compiled kata and techniques practiced by ancient masters and established the organization Ryukyu Kobudo Hozon Shinko Kai, aimed at preserving Kobudo in the post-war era. His successor was Eisuke Akamine (1925-1999), and his son Hiroshi Akamine became the third president. In 2011, Hiroshi Akamine decided to establish his own organization, Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan, which he leads to this day.
Thomas Podzelny, 6th dan Renshi
Thomas Podzelny has been practicing Japanese martial arts for over 30 years. He achived following ranks: Ryukyu Kobudo (6th Dan), Uechi Ryu Karate - Do (7th Dan), and Aikido (6th Dan). Since 1999, he has been running his own Dojo in Erlangen, Germany, and conducting international seminars in various countries. He regularly travels to Japan and Okinawa to gain knowledge about martial arts practiced at the source.
Dominik Kućma, 3rd dan
Dominik Kućma is a direct kobudo student of Thomas Podzelny and the organizer of this seminar. In 2023, he obtained the shidoin instructor's license and runs the only Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan Dojo in Poland. Besides Kobudo, he also practices Shorin Ryu Karate under the guidance of Kaicho Akamine Hiroshi, holding a 3rd Dan rank. He conducts classes as part of the Krakowsska Szkoła Karate i Kobudo
The seminar organization is handled by Dominik Kućma. Please direct any questions and concerns directly to him:
Dominik Kućma
E-mail: dominik@kucma.pl
Tel. / WhatsApp: 508 364 137
Sensei Dominik conducts regular Kobudo training (also during vacations) in Krakow at Dojo Tyniec, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 7:00 PM. We encourage you to participate - it's an excellent way to prepare for the seminar :)